1. Who can apply for ACPCS?
We will announce application process and forms at the beginning of each year in our website. Conditions and application process can differ each year so please refer to latest news. Anyone who meets following criteria can apply to our program.
(1) Minimum 3 year experience in national or state institutes of cultural is essential.
(2) Good written and oral communication skills in English (or in Korean) are essential.
(3) Candidate should be physically fit and should not be taking any regular medication or medical treatment.
(4) Candidate should be able to travel abroad without any legal restrictions.
(5) Ability to execute an independent research in full-time for 3 months is essential and no family is allowed to be accompanied.
We receive application forms from all applicants for certain period (usually in January and February every year) and our selection committee will review each application thoroughly and carefully to choose the best applicants to fit to our selection criteria. The selection result will be informed to all applicants via e-mail. Successful applicants will be officially invited to participate in our program for 3 month or 5 month according to their choice and suggested research theme. We will help all process of preparing to come to Korea such as a visa application, accommodation arrangement, and etc.
2. Who can apply for OTTP?
Any ACPCS participants can make OTTP request to ACPCS team all year around. There is no certain application period or fixed documentation form for OTTP. Anyone in need can e-mail ACPCS team with documents including contents as follow.
(1) Affiliation of proposer: Explanation of your institute or department and necessity of the training course should be included. His or her organization would be venue for the OTTP.
(2) Theme of training: Any concrete and specific field of conservation which meets works and projects of NRICH is available. So far, conservation training on metal, stone, pottery and textile was delivered and documentation skills such as photographing also took part.
(3) Target participants: English ability is not mandatory for OTTP participants as far as they are deeply involved in the field of actual conservation works in the field of cultural heritage. Participants are arranged not by ACPCS team but by coordinators in target country.
(4) Date and period: Proposer should mention preferred date and period. Coordinators later will discuss out the exact schedule so suggested days can be explained roughly.
Our selection committee will review all requests made by ACPCS participants. OTTP can be flexibly scheduled and designed according to condition of NRICH and target institute or organization.