Recognizing the diversity of cultural heritage and the need of interdisciplinary research, ACPCS provides a wide range of research theme in following areas;

- Archaeology
: Scientific research on important domestic and international archaeological sites, academic research and exploration of historical site
: Utilization of equipment in the field of excavation site and ancient ruins

- Architectural heritage
: Legal frameworks of conservation
: Surveying and recording of traditional buildings and Buddhist stupas
: Architectural research on Asian monuments

- Art and crafts : Studying traditional crafts and history of art
: Cultural trade and exchange of ancient Asia
: Art and craft of Korea and Asia

- Conservation treatment, restoration techniques, and conservation science
: Scientific analysis and development of conservation methodology

- Natural heritage
: Fossil conservation

- Safety and disaster prevention
: Safety inspection for architectural heritage

There are two enrollments every year, three month course and five month course. General course for three month is opened to all research themes but intensive course for five month only applies for conservation science.

All sessions start in April and participants will join 2 weeks of common induction course regardless of their research theme. The induction course provides lectures on the introduction of Korean cultural heritage and the research projects of NRICH along with guides to living in Korea. During the period, each participant delivers a presentation about their institute, past projects and study plan in Korea to share their knowledge and experience with our institute.

Thereafter, the participants undertake individual research. A research theme and period should be decided by the participant in accordance with the one on the research proposal in the application when an applicant applies. Our professional staffs would help the participant to set out their research plan and methodology. In addition, all participants will be helped and supervised by a relevant staff from various divisions of NRICH while they are conducting the research.

During the program, all participants will have several opportunities to visit heritage sites and museums in order to enlighten their knowledge and experience in Korea. Official ACPCS group fieldtrip to Seoul or other historical city should be joined by all participants. Individual fieldtrip regarding their research would be decided by each mentor according to necessity.

On the final week of the program, participants will present their research outcomes. All participants may need to submit their final report which contains their research agenda, aims, and outcomes. 3 month participants will deliver the presentation on end of June and 5 month participants on August.

All sessions and lectures will be delivered in English. NRICH provides the participants airline ticket for a round trip to Korea and living allowance which will cover the cost for accommodations and living expenses during the program. Health and accident insurance is no longer to be covered by NRICH, therefore all participants should have health and accident insurance for 3 or 5 months of ACPCS before they participate in our program. Any expenses for medical treatment should be paid by the participants themselves.


On-site Technical Training Program contributes to the improvement of regional capacity for the conservation and management of valuable heritage. The program intends to tackle specific regional problem in conservation by providing essential knowledge and useful technical skills for local conservators who directly involved in the maintenance and conservation of sites. The program aims to establish collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge and techniques.

ACPCS participants can apply for OTTP all year around by submitting a document about what technical training related to conservation and restoration they want to receive. NRICH verifies feasibility of requests for carrying out OTTP and selects two countries a year on average. After the selection of target countries NRICH and institute or authorities concerned in target countries take a step to exchange official letters to confirm permission and then starts to arrange the program by the help of organizers in each country.

OTTP includes lectures and hands-on practice according to what target countries ask for. Full structures and contents will be flexibly discussed with time for a better understanding of both and proceeded systematically to come up to expectations from target countries. Dates and places for the program are also scheduled by requests. Number of participants is decided considering limited space and time to manage the training in the most effective way. Target participants are conservators, archaeologists and any professionals who directly involved in the care of archaeological objects.

Training team composed of highly experienced conservators will be dispatched with own expenses. Selected experts from NRICH will assist the participants to efficiently establish basic knowledge on why, what to and how to conserve at theoretical and practical context. At the end of the program participants are expected to attain knowledge on conservation and apply to their daily practice of work.


International Cultural Heritage Cooperation Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea National Palace Museum of Korea Korea National Commission for UNESCO