Geotechnical Excavation

Research Infrastructure for the Jungwon Cultural Sphere

Heritage name Research infrastructure for the Jungwon cultural sphere
Category Historic site excavation survey
Survey period 2008 ~


The project to build a research infrastructure for the Jungwon cultural sphere consists of a comprehensive academic investigation aimed at collecting and compiling primary resources and data on important historic sites and artifacts in the Jungwon region.
In 2008, we conducted surveys of nineteen mountain fortresses in Chungcheongbuk-do - i.e., 3D-scanning distinctive walls, making precise measurements, and taking aerial view and professional photo shots—to establish a database on the major cultural properties of the Jungwon region and compile them into a catalog.
We plan to conduct a surface survey every year, extending it to old tombs, temple sites, prehistoric sites, and other artifacts, in order to create a comprehensive database on Jungwon’s cultural heritage. The compiled data concerning the systematic conservation and utilization of these cultural properties will be made available to professionals and members of the public on our website.

See A Related Image

image GPS measurement
image Underground scanning
image Underground scanning 3
image Underground scanning 2
image Unmanned helicopter taking aerial view photos
image 3D-scanning

Research Infrastructure for the Region of Chungcheongbuk-do and Gangwon-do Provinces

Heritage name Research Infrastructure for the Region of Chungcheongbuk-do and Gangwon-do Provinces
Category Building Database
Survey period 2008 ~


This project is aimed at the systematic compilation, recording, and sharing of research data on the Jungwon cultural sphere as represented by Chungcheongbuk-do Province, as well as on the Yeongseo and Yeongdong cultural spheres, and consists in the construction of databases, the publication of materials, and the provision of online services. Ultimately, our goal is to establish the research infrastructure necessary to support academic arguments for the conservation and utilization of the region’s cultural heritages.

Building an Academic Database
· Surveying the conditions of cultural properties in Chungcheongbuk-do and Gangwon-do provinces

and keeping precise and detailed records of the findings.
· Compiling data on 19 mountain fortresses and 34 ancient tombs in the Chungcheongbuk-do region

and publishing catalogs
· Identifying shifts in Jungwon tomb style and contents according to different periods
· Obtaining access to Japanese research materials through international exchange
· Building websites to provide research material services
· Providing lists of literary resources on Jungwon’s cultural heritage

See A Related Image

image First Stage (2012 ~ 2014) – 119 steel artifacts in Chungju
image Recording a Goguryeo stele
image Ancient Tomb Site in Nuam-ri
image Ancient Tomb in Haguam-ri – excavated relics
image Survey of Haguam-ri Surface – GPS measurements


International Cultural Heritage Cooperation Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea National Palace Museum of Korea Korea National Commission for UNESCO