Survey of Resources in the Geological Area
We aim to conduct research on and monitor Natural Monuments (sedimentary structures and fossils) and to survey such resources with a view to proposing heritage conservation measures.
Survey and Research in the Geological Area
Natural Monuments in the geological area consist of diverse geological elements including rocks,fossils
(i.e., the traces of organisms that once lived on the earth), caves, waterfalls, and natural springs.
To systematically conserve and manage these Natural Monuments, and to offer the relevant education, research is actively being conducted, with the aim of showing the billions of years of live history of the Korean Peninsula from its pre-creation era to current times. In 2007, for the first time in Korea, “Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Caves” were included on the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritages, proving the excellence of the country’s natural monuments.
Dangcheomul Cave
The world’s longest baby dinosaur footprint fossil in Uiseong, Gyeongsangbuk-do